Good Catch/Great Save

The Good Catch and Great Save program aims to take a proactive approach to identify and address potentially harmful events through recognition, thereby improving the safety climate. The definitions are below:
- Good Catch: A near miss event that did not reach the patient because of the thoughtful actions of an employee.
- Great Save: An event that reached a patient with minimal to no harm but required immediate action to contain the situation by the actions of an employee.
*PLEASE NOTE: Jefferson New Jersey is not yet participating in the Good Catch/Great Save program. More details will be available later this year.
Award Timeframe
Each month, local-hospital Good Catches/Great Saves will be recognized according to the below criteria.
Each quarter, a cross-entity committee will select the top enterprise-level Good Catches/Great Saves from across all healthcare locations.
Criteria and Nomination Guidelines
Nominations from throughout the enterprise will be evaluated based on their ability to:
- Positively impact patient safety, quality of care and service to patients, visitors and staff
- Initiate a crucial conversation to address unsafe acts and set behavioral expectations in the following areas: teamwork, collaboration, safety, accountability and communication (speaking up).
- Take specific action to improve safety culture
To submit a Good Catch event at Center City or Methodist:
- Submit report through CS Stars and choose “Near Miss” as the event category. *Please note this is a new submission process, which replaces the legacy system, Jefferson Honors
To submit a Good Catch event at Abington campuses:
- Submit a Verge report
- Call the SAFE hotline
- Report to your manager who should notify the Center for Patient Safety & Healthcare Quality
- Report on the Daily Check In (Hospital call)
To submit a Good Catch event at Jefferson-Northeast:
- Submit STARS report and choose “Good Catch” as the event type – accessible through Aria’s intranet
- Call the Safety Tip line x29777 and identify as Good Catch
- Send an email to and identify subject as Good Catch.
Reward Type
Winners will also receive a digital badge of honor on the enterprise employee portal, myJeffHub, and will also be publicized on the platform and their respective entity intranets. Winners will also be invited to an annual awards event to celebrate all Jefferson Heroes.
Example of a Good Catch Recognition

Suzanne Lenart, a nurse on the Acute Pain Management Service received a call from Suzanne Ha, in the pharmacy. Suzanne Ha was concerned about an order for a PCA that she felt was potentially dangerous. The patient was ordered a concentrated Hydromorphone PCA (1mg/ml). The PCA should have been 0.6ml, but 6ml was ordered. The pharmacist questioned the dose and prevented a ten-fold overdose. Given the potency of this medication, it could have had an adverse outcome on the patient.
Lessons Learned: By speaking up about a safety concern, the focus was on what needed to happen for doing the right thing for the patient.
Thank you to Suzanne Ha for your commitment to building safety into your workflow and ensuring that our patients receive the safest and most reliable care.
Center City and Methodist Award Contact: Carol Kelly, Senior Director of Quality and Safety
Abington Campuses Award Contact: Maureen Frye, Director, Center for Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality
Jefferson - Northeast Award Contact: Joan Meighan, Patient Safety Officer